How to Market on a Shoestring Budget |
A common myth is that it takes lots of money to make money in affiliate marketing. This is not true. Hard work & focus can be substituted to make a successful living with affiliate marketing. I have a handful of affiliates for Sonic Producer that produce thousands every month with no paid advertising. Below are some of the techniques you can use. |
Article Marketing
Article marketing is the best way to get your feet way in affiliate marketing with a small budget. The key to article marketing is the keyword focus. You will want to focus on the 'long tail' keywords for each article. A high search phrase with low competing pages is ideal to target. Review the keyword page to brainstorm keywords. |
The biggest mistake newbies make with article marketing is that they stop too early. They write 5 articles get no sales, then give up. Dream big. Set a goal for 100 articles, 500 or even 1000! Commit to writing 1 article a day, or say 10 a week. If you have a little cash you can outsource this as well. |
Imagine for each article you write you get 2 visitors and clickthrough everyday. Assuming an average 1% conversion, 100 articles will get you ~ 2 sales a day, 500 = 10 sales a day, and 1000 articles will get you around 20 sales a day. That is over 5 figures a month! |
With a carefully crafted article, the right keywords, and good presell landing page, you could easily double those numbers ... The resource box is also extremely important if you want to get that clickthrough to your landing page. |
A boring one is:
"Hi, my name is Chris, I love to make beats online, come check me out at http://chrismakesbeats.com". |
That one is lucky to get 2% clickthroughs. |
Here is a much better one:
Want to know a secret tool I use to make killer beats online? I can make a beat online from 1000's of sounds, then save it to my computer as an MP3 in just 2 minutes! Check out how I do it here ---> http://chrismakesbeats.com |
This second box should do much better, if you are writing a lot of articles, split test your box and see which ones get the most CTR. |
Tip: Remember to SEO each article you submit and get some links pointing to it. |
The 5 best places to submit your articles:
Interesting Articles (new for 2012)
Article Dashboard
Buzzle |
Youtube Marketing
A few of my affiliates are doing fairly well with youtube marketing. Again focusing on certain keywords and phrases will make the difference. It is easy to shoot or record your own video upload it to youtube and reference your landing page. If it catches on and ranks well, you will get visitors everyday. |
Something even funny, viral, or offbeat can actually work well if you can tie it in to 'beat making'. A good way to get your link noticed is to start & end the video with a black screen and your URL. Also put your landing page link in the more info section and during the video point to it to get a higher clickthrough ... |
Here's a long list of video submission sites: |
Other Promotion Methods |